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Amazing Modern Day Miracles & Jesus Talked to Me Today

See how it feels to be touched by a miracle. Click here for a FREE EXCERPT.

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Amazing Modern-Day Miracles

By Suzanne Frey

Ever wonder how it would feel to be touched by a miracle?

In Amazing Modern-Day Miracles, you will enjoy 52 astonishing real-life stories of how God meets us in times of trouble and provides for our needs.

Each miraculous account has something profound to teach you. You will hear from men, women, and children whose lives have been altered forever by the hand of the Miracle Maker. You will be reminded that God has a purpose and a plan for your life — and that His loving hand can heal body, mind, and soul.

This collection of true stories will lift your spirits, touch you with new-found hope, and deepen your faith.

This Guideposts exclusive edition includes bonus content, including the author’s personal miracle story and special insights on miracles and prayer.

Your Free Gift—Jesus Talked to Me Today

As the Bible tells us, we can all benefit from more child-like faith.

In Jesus Talked to Me Today, noted Christian author James Stuart Bell shares 40 awe-inspiring true stories of how God works His wonders in the lives of children. You’ll read about dozens of everyday people who, as children, heard Jesus speak, encountered angels, and experienced the divine.

Each story “from the mouths of babes” will bring you closer to the Lord in a fresh, sweet, and pure way.

This deluxe hardcover edition also includes exclusive content not available in stores. Best of all, it’s YOURS FREE to keep when you order Amazing Modern-Day Miracles.

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Guideposts has been inspiring the spiritual wellbeing of millions of people through the positive impact of faith and prayer. With a profound commitment to uplifting the human spirit, Guideposts has been a guiding light for decades. Our mission is to bring more faith, hope, and prayer to the world with positive, uplifting content.

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