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Apart at the Seams- Tearoom Mysteries – Book 20

As the glorious Maine summer wraps up and Lancaster residents eagerly anticipate a Labor Day clambake, the Whisper Art Gallery hosts a special exhibit showcasing military memorabilia to honor local American heroes. The night after the exhibit opening, the sound of a tussle and a gunshot wakens the Leon sisters, who enter their gallery to discover that a huge bag of money has been left behind. Who shot the gun? Was it the same person who left the money behind? And what did the culprits want?

Elaine and Jan investigate, finding answers turns out to be more challenging and far-reaching than they could’ve imagined. 


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Mix together one stately Victorian home, a charming lakeside town in Maine, and two adventurous cousins with a passion for tea and hospitality. Add a large scoop of intriguing mystery and sprinkle generously with faith, family, and friends, and you have the recipe for Tearoom Mysteries.

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