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Bridge Over Troubled Waters- Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard – Book 10

In the throes of a rough election season, the wife of the town’s slyest, most-reelected politician goes missing from the Woods Hole ferry.


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In the throes of a rough election season, the wife of the town’s slyest, most-reelected politician goes missing from the Woods Hole ferry. Victor Fox’s chief opponent, Tony McClaren, has sworn he’ll do whatever it takes to topple Victor’s iron-fisted reign. Could that include kidnapping Fox’s wife, Betty? Priscilla hears rumors that Victor has been seeing another woman—his secretary, Eliza, and Priscilla’s investigation takes on new urgency when she discovers the woman was on the same ferry as Betty. Did Betty take her own life—or meet with foul play? Or has she simply slipped away, hoping to start anew? As Priscilla digs further into Betty’s disappearance, she soon realizes that finding the truth presents her with her greatest challenge yet.
In the midst of the investigation surrounding Betty’s disappearance, Tony McClaren asks for Priscilla’s help on the campaign trail. However, Priscilla soon begins to think he’s interested in more than just a volunteer for his campaign. Will Priscilla be able to assure him—and Captain Gerald O’Bannon—that all she can offer the would-be politician is friendship?

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