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Daily Guideposts: 365 Spirit Lifting Devotions of Faith eBook


Day in and day out, 365 Spirit-Lifting Devotions of Faith will reach out to you with wisdom and courage. You can start your journey of faith anytime – even today – and continue reading year after year. The devotional readings will never be out of date!


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365 Spirit-Lifting Devotions of Faith will help you nurture and strengthen your faith.  The devotions – one for each day of the year – address the spiritual needs of today’s world and, in the process, equip you to face your biggest challenges.

Day in and day out, 365 Spirit-Lifting Devotions of Faith will reach out to you with wisdom and courage. You can start your journey of faith anytime – even today – and continue reading year after year.  The devotional readings will never be out of date!

Each day’s entry begins with a Scripture, followed by a true life story and a prayer written by faith-affirming men and women from all walks of life.  Their unique perspectives provide an inspirational bridge across the demands of modern life that will lead to a deepened understanding and appreciation of what faith really means.  The insights explored will reveal new ways to make faith the cornerstone of your life.

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