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Extraordinary Answers to Prayer


A Guideposts Exclusive– In Extraordinary Answers to Prayer, you’ll discover the many ways God answers our prayers. And you’ll be deeply moved by the wisdom, kindness, hope, and love each answer contains- even when it may not be what was wished for! And in sharing these heart warming true-life stories of the prayers of others, you’ll find your faith restored in the incredible power of prayer. Each story will remind you that prayer can be answered in the most unexpected of ways.


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About Extraordinary Answers to Prayer

A Guideposts Exclusive – In Extraordinary Answers to Prayer, you’ll discover the many ways God answers our prayers. And you’ll be deeply moved by the wisdom, kindness, hope and love each answer contains – even when it may not be what was wished for!

And in sharing these heartwarming true-life stories of the prayers of others, you’ll find your faith restored in the incredible power of prayer.

Each story will remind you that prayer can be answered in the most unexpected of ways:

  • Prayer calms: A gravely sick man prays for the health of others – and rids himself of the frightening thoughts that had been haunting him.
  • Prayer helps us see what matters most: Being held captive at gunpoint a woman prays with her captor – and not only loses her fear, but finds the true meaning of her own life.
  • Prayer gets us through tough times: Prior to having an operation, a single mother prays for someone to take care of her children. Worried and feeling insecure, God answers her prayer fully, though unexpectedly.

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Guideposts has been inspiring the spiritual wellbeing of millions of people through the positive impact of faith and prayer. With a profound commitment to uplifting the human spirit, Guideposts has been a guiding light for decades. Our mission is to bring more faith, hope, and prayer to the world with positive, uplifting content.

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