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In Too Deep- Tearoom Mysteries – Book 22

Jan agrees to chaperone the church youth group, including her granddaughter Avery, on a late-fall overnight camping trip. But she is horrified when she wakes the next morning to discover Avery has wandered off into the Maine wilderness, accompanied only by a new friend.


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About In Too Deep

In book 22 of Tearoom Mysteries, Jan chaperones the church’s youth group on camping trip. Her granddaughter, and friend go missing. As temperatures drop and flurries fall, Jan’s desperation increases as she and the other youth-group leaders are joined by law enforcement officers in a frantic search. Can they find the missing girls and bring them to safety before it’s too late? Meanwhile, Elaine has been planning an engagement party for her daughter, Sasha, and Sasha’s fiancé, Brody. Despite Jan’s insistence that they carry on, how can they bring themselves to celebrate when Avery’s missing?

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