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Midsummer Melody (Book 9 – Tales from Grace Chapel Inn Series)


When Louise encounters writer’s block while composing a concerto in memory of her late husband, she turns to a group of Christian rock musicians for assistance. Will they be able to overcome their musical differences to focus on what matters most, or will their relationship only develop into a series of arguments? It’s another heartwarming tale from Acorn Hill, where cozy adventures are always plentiful!


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AboutTales from Grace Chapel Inn

Once you visit the charming village of Acorn Hill, tucked away in rural Pennsylvania, you’ll never want to leave. Townsfolk relax on their porch swings or gather to discuss the day’s events at the Coffee Shop over homemade pie. It’s the kind of town where friendship and faith flow together like a wide river on a fine spring day.

And you’ll love spending time with the Howard sisters, who have begun a new life together in their childhood home, a gracious Victorian house now a bed and breakfast called Grace Chapel Inn. Here they rekindle old memories, rediscover the bonds of sisterhood, revel in the blessings of friendship—and meet many fascinating guests along the way.

Book Description

Midsummer Melody – Book 9

While Louise struggles to finish composing a concerto dedicated to her late husband, she meets four young men who are Christian rock musicians. Can their mutual love of music help Louise and the boys find common ground and understanding?

About the Author

Faith, family, and humor have always been the strong foundations in Rebecca Kelly’s life, which is constantly busy but never dull. Encouraged by her mother Joan, a popular local Christian humorist and speaker, Rebecca wrote her first book at age thirteen and hasn’t stopped writing since.

When she’s not writing or being a mom, Rebecca volunteers in a variety of church projects, including providing aid to the homeless and families in distress. She regularly gives writing workshops to area elementary school students and moderates a weekly writing discussion group on the Internet. An avid quilt maker and conservationist, Rebecca’s most unusual hobby is uncovering “hidden” quilts, which are nineteenth-century quilts that have been used as batting for newer quilts. She has restored more than fifty to their former glory.

Rebecca presently resides in Florida with her two youngest children.

Book Details
Author: Rebecca Kelly
Page Count: 253 pages

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