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More Glimpses of Heaven & Amazing Stories of Life After Death

Experience the glory of Heaven with 80 inspiring true stories.

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More Glimpses of Heaven

By Trudy Harris, RN

What if you could actually experience heaven while you’re still here on earth? And what if that glimpse of heaven was more beautiful, comforting, and peaceful than you could ever imagine?

As a hospice nurse, Trudy Harris caught a peek of heaven countless times through the lives and deaths of her patients. She witnessed firsthand patients who experienced visions of angels and loved ones who had gone before.
In her brand-new book, Trudy Harris brings you 46 true stories of the many ways God provides comfort, peace, and deep love as we pass into the next life. You’ll see that God and His angels will be with you every step of the way. And knowing God is there, bringing His children home, eases the fear of death and helps you joyfully anticipate the glories of heaven.
This Guideposts exclusive edition includes BONUS content not available in stores.

Relive 25 Divine Encounters in your FREE BOOK!

Liz Gwyn, DNP, has been a special-care-unit nurse for many years, caring for her patients as they transitioned from this life to the next. Sometimes she was their closest companion during the loneliest and most painful hours of their lives . Through these times, God has used Dr. Gwyn to bring hope, peace, and salvation to her patients and to witness the ministering aid of His angels.
In Amazing Stories of Life After Death, Dr. Gwyn shares her experiences along with those from medical professionals and first responders that are so inspiring, they’ll strengthen your belief in the true meaning of faith.

This exclusive hardcover edition includes additional true stories from first responders and other medical professionals. It’s YOURS FREE when you order More Glimpses of Heaven.

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