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The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale


Positive thinking is a philosophy of faith that brings people peace of mind, better health, more energy and a life full of joy and satisfaction. Discover the secrets to a better life in this condensed version of Norman Vincent Peale’s bestselling book.

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When you put the Power of Positive Thinking to work in your life, you’ll be setting yourself free from worry. You’ll feel energized and empowered. And you’ll experience God’s peace in situations that once confounded you.

The principles of positive thinking are so simple that it may sound hard to believe they can inspire such positive change. But once you try the timeless techniques taught by Dr. Peale in this FREE eBook, you will experience for yourself the difference waking up happy and energized will make in every area of your life. 

The Power of Positive Thinking will reignite your faith. You’ll discover how strengthening your belief in God strengthens your belief in yourself. You’ll find the tools you need to create the happiness and success you’ve been looking for. The lessons in this eBook will help you develop a more powerful and peaceful mind, so that you’ll find it easier to overcome life’s problems.

Norman Vincent Peale, beloved Christian minister and best-selling author, was certainly not the first person to recognize these principles: They’re based on teachings found in the world’s best-selling book—the Bible. And in this free download, you’ll learn how to put these principles to work in your life in today’s language.

Don’t let doubt and negative thinking keep you from the happiness that is your birthright. Download Guideposts’ FREE eBook The Power of Positive Thinking now.

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