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A Procession of Angels


A Procession of Angels


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A Procession of Angels Includes:

More than 50 true stories specially selected by the editors of Guideposts
An introduction by Colleen Hughes, Editor-in-Chief of Angels on Earth magazine

In A Procession of Angels, Guideposts editors have sought out the very best writings on angels. These amazing true stories will send shivers down your spine and bring to light the reality of God’s work in our lives. Chapter after chapter, this volume offers actual angel encounters that will warm your soul, help you feel closer to God and deepen your understanding of God’s presence in your life even in the most unimaginable ways and in the most difficult of situations.

A Procession of Angels is the perfect gift!

Stories Include

Message in the Sand by Polly Augenstein. Feeling overwhelmed, a mother walks on the beach in search of reassurance from God. What she finds in the sand reminds her that He is always by her side.

The Angel Came on Wednesday by Ann Cassidy. In despair about the prospect of radical surgery, a woman is visited at home by a strange man appear who gives her a special message.

Hope and the Hummingbirds by Lou Dean Hope. A grief-stricken woman finds hope—along with the will to live—carried on the tiniest of wings.

A Procession of Angels is an Editors’ Pick!

The first Guideposts book on my summer reading list is A Procession of Angels. Not a surprise, right? In fact, I already read all the stories and wrote the introduction to that book. But to enjoy them again (without a pencil in my hand for editing!) is simply irresistible to me. Can’t get enough of those angel stories, that’s for sure.
– Colleen Hughes
Editor-in-Chief, Angels on Earth magazine


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Guideposts has been inspiring the spiritual wellbeing of millions of people through the positive impact of faith and prayer. With a profound commitment to uplifting the human spirit, Guideposts has been a guiding light for decades. Our mission is to bring more faith, hope, and prayer to the world with positive, uplifting content.

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