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Shop » Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard » Sheeps Passing In The Night – Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard – Book 20

Sheeps Passing In The Night – Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard – Book 20

It’s springtime in Martha’s Vineyard, and Priscilla attends the annual Lambapalooza festival going on at Derry Wilson’s farm. When a cryptic message is sheared into Derry’s prize sheep Sally, just as the animal is about to go into auction, Priscilla—aided by Gerald and her cousins—sets out to find out who’s behind the prank. Is it the animal activist who pickets the event each year, the rival farmers with a history of conflict with Derry, or someone else intent on mischief?
Meanwhile, something is troubling Gerald, and Priscilla finds it almost as much of a mystery as the sabotaged sheep. Can she uncover answers to both puzzling mysteries?


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Priscilla Latham Grant has inherited a lighthouse! So with not much more than a strong will and a sore heart, the recent widow says goodbye to her lifelong Kansas home and heads to the quaint and historic island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. There, she comes face-to-face with adventures, which include her trusty canine friend, Jake, three delightful cousins she didn’t know she had, and Gerald O’Bannon, a handsome Coast Guard captain—plus head-scratching mysteries that crop up with surprising regularity.

Come explore the Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard in this exciting series by Guideposts.

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