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Someone Cares Greeting Cards


Always Have the Perfect Card on Hand

Try Someone Cares Greeting Cards today, and you’ll always have the perfect card on hand for every occasion, from “Happy Birthday” and “Congratulations” to “I’m here for you” or “Keeping you in my prayers.”


Get 3 FREE GIFTS with this Special Introductory Offer! A beautiful card organizer, cards, stickers, and seals.


*After your introductory shipment you will receive 12 cards every 6-8 weeks at a cost of $15.95, which will be charged to the card you provide today. You may cancel at any time. See program details below*


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Someone Cares Greeting Cards Program

Someone Cares Greeting Cards makes sure you always have the perfect card on hand for every occasion.

Save 50% over store-bought cards with Someone Cares Greeting Cards!

Preview your deluxe introductory package risk-free for 30 days for the low price of just $10.95 – $0.91 cents per card! You’ll then receive a new package of 12 cards with matching envelopes every 8 weeks at the regular price of $15.95 ($1.33 per card!) You may keep your 3 FREE GIFTS – the inspirational stickers, inspirational newsletter, and the envelope seals – no matter what.

Send for your Risk-FREE Preview of your Deluxe Introductory Card Package and you’ll get 3 Free Gifts to keep—even if you return the cards.

Your Deluxe Introductory Package includes:

  • 12 beautiful cards with matching envelopes
  • FREE Gift #1: Cards Organizer
  • FREE Gift #2: Card Stickers
  • FREE Gift #3: Card Seals
  • Guideposts No-Obligation Guarantee

Each Someone Cares card:

  • Custom designed
  • Heartfelt messages and inspiring Scripture
  • Includes a short story on the back of each card
  • Matching envelopes
  • Half the cost of store-bought card

Program Details

By ordering today, you are enrolling in the convenient Preferred Customer Plan, which will automatically entitle you to receive future shipments of cards. You are hereby authorizing Guideposts to charge the debit or credit card you provide for today’s purchase and for shipments of future cards (at $15.95 plus shipping and sales tax where applicable). There is no obligation to purchase and you can cancel or change your order at any time by calling customer service at 1-800-932-2145, Monday-Friday, 8am to 6pm EST, or by visiting and logging into your account. If the credit card is declined at the time of shipment, you will be mailed an invoice when the product is shipped. If you are not completely satisfied, you may return the product within 30 days and owe nothing.

Praise for Someone Cares

“With Someone Cares cards, I save time, money and the hassles of lines at the store. Thank you!” C. Rowe, Kansas City, MO

“Someone Cares cards are so different from what you see in the stores because they have such special messages.” M. Brown, Atlanta, GA

“Everyone I send a Someone Cares card to asks me where did I find such inspiring cards. I know that I’ve touched their heart!” L. Stevenson, Logan WV

“These cards always convey just the right message for the person I’m sending them to. I love having them on hand to brighten someone’s day!” T. Spencer, Sunnyvale, CA

About Guideposts

For more than 75 years…

Guideposts has been inspiring the spiritual wellbeing of millions of people through the positive impact of faith and prayer. With a profound commitment to uplifting the human spirit, Guideposts has been a guiding light for decades. Our mission is to bring more faith, hope, and prayer to the world with positive, uplifting content.

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