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Daily Guideposts: 365 Spirit Lifting Devotions for Mothers


Daily Guideposts: 365 Spirit Lifting Devotions for Mothers


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Spirit-Lifting Devotions are compiled by the editors of the annual Daily Guideposts, which since 1977 has helped millions of readers to grow in faith and live fuller, richer lives through prayerfully sharing in the personal experiences of its writers.

Written by mothers for mothers, from the editors of Daily Guideposts, America’s favorite devotional for more than 35 years.

Here are specially-chosen devotional entries for each day of the year from the best of Daily Guideposts. With warmth, honesty, and even a bit of humor, these reflections look at all the aspects of a mother’s life — at home, on sports sidelines, as a provider, teacher, or comforter — through the eyes of faith.

Each informal devotion contains a short Scripture, a true anecdote that illustrates the ways God speaks to mothers through the ordinary events of life, and a brief prayer to help direct the reader’s own prayers. It all helps put the day’s message to work in a mother’s busy life.

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For more than 75 years…

Guideposts has been inspiring the spiritual wellbeing of millions of people through the positive impact of faith and prayer. With a profound commitment to uplifting the human spirit, Guideposts has been a guiding light for decades. Our mission is to bring more faith, hope, and prayer to the world with positive, uplifting content.

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