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Sweet Carolina Mysteries Book 17: A Hard Pill to Swallow

Sweet Carolina Mysteries, formerly known as Miracles & Mysteries of Mercy Hospital. Same content, thrilling stories and enigmatic mysteries.

Amidst mysterious hospital confrontations, Anne and friends investigate, seeking connections between victims. As tensions rise, a fitness class offers an unexpected outlet and potential clues to unravel the unsettling mystery. Can they unmask the culprit before the next move is made?



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A Hard Pill to Swallow is book #17 of the mystery series Sweet Carolina Mysteries, formerly known as Miracles & Mysteries of Mercy Hospital. Same content, thrilling stories and enigmatic mysteries.

Series of strange confrontations has been occurring in the night hours at Mercy Hospital. When Anne Mabry’s dear friend Shirley Bashore is the latest victim, Anne knows she can’t sit back and wait for someone else to find the offender. There has to be some sort of connection between the victims—but what? So far, each one has had minor injuries, and nothing was stolen from them. With the help of their friends, Evelyn Perry and Joy Atkins, Anne and Shirley will do whatever they can to solve this latest mystery and make Mercy Hospital safe again. But can they do it before the culprit makes their next move?

In the middle of all the confusion, Anne and her friends decide to take advantage of the hospital’s newly offered fitness class. Can the class help Anne deal with her own feelings of anxiety? Even better, could it lead to answers about the assaults.

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