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Savannah Secrets – The Waving Girl – Book 12

Author: Gabrielle Meyer


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The Waving Girl is the 12th book in the Savannah Secrets cozy-mystery series.

Everyone in Savannah knows the tale of Florence Martus, the Waving Girl. Between 1887 and 1931, while living with her brother at a lighthouse on Elba Island, Florence waved at every ship coming in and out of the port of Savannah. Legends have always existed about the shy woman, but Meredith and Julia are dismayed when author Regina Terrance releases a book that claims there was a darker side to Florence and her waving ways. Could it really be true that she was sending signals to enemy ships?

It isn’t long until Julia and Meredith receive a visit from Florence’s great-great-niece, Mary Martus. Mary wants to hire Magnolia Investigations to prove that Regina’s book is a sham and help restore Florence’s good name. But before they can proceed, the author goes missing, and Mary becomes the main suspect in Regina’s disappearance! Can Julia and Meredith prove Mary’s innocence and clear the reputation of their beloved Waving Girl?

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