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To Have and To Hide – Patchwork Mysteries – Book 15


As Caitlin’s wedding date is approaching, Sarah uncovers some disturbing evidence suggesting that Liam may have been previously married! Who is the anonymous woman featured on Liam’s family heirloom? Could it be that Liam never told Caitlin the truth about his past? With the weight of a family’s love hanging in the balance, it’s up to Sarah to investigate this unique mystery and show that a father’s love can overcome even the most controversial of problems.


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To Have and To Hide is the 15th book in the Patchwork Mysteries fiction series.

Wedding fever is in the air as Liam’s daughter Caitlin is preparing for her big day. Liam wants to give Caitlin a family heirloom Double Wedding Ring quilt, but as Sarah is touching up a dirt spot on the fabric, she discovers his name, the name of a woman no one has ever heard of, and a wedding date! Was Liam secretly married to a woman he’s never told anyone about? He denies it, but all of the evidence points to something otherwise. As Sarah tries to find out more about the mysterious woman, her investigation leads her into a hidden history where shipping fortunes, rival corporations, family conflict, and young love are intertwined. Is Liam lying to her about his past? What does it mean for their budding relationship?

About the Author

Camy grew up in Hawaii and now lives in San Jose, California, with her engineer husband and rambunctious dog, Snickers. She graduated from Stanford University and worked and a biologist researcher for nine years, but now she writes fulltime. She is a staff worker for her church youth group, and she leads one of the worship teams for Sunday service. On her blog, CamyTang.com, she ponders knitting, spinning wool, dogs, running, the Never-Ending diet and other tantalizing things.

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