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Triumph Over Life’s Toughest Problems – Military


This booklet provides faith-based suggestions and practical steps for tackling and overcoming life’s most debilitating problems that stem from depression, loneliness, anger, illness, debt, love and grief.

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Sometimes, troubles—like unemployment, relationship problems, and stress over money—can leave you depressed. Veterans or those in helping professions can face post-traumatic stress disorder. Even though Psalm 34 teaches, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit,” sometimes God feels far away.

No matter how downcast you feel, this FREE eBook will show you how to engage your God-given powers of mind and spirit. And then it gives you practical steps to put them to work to resolve your problems, with the wisdom of Jesus’ words to guide you.

Along with Bible quotes that will lift your spirits, you’ll discover proven practices to help you find the way forward so that today’s troubles will come to seem a distant memory. You’ll find words of comfort to help you achieve peace and harmony at home and in your life.

How can God’s Word help when you’re in debt? What can the Bible do when you’re facing addiction, loneliness, grief, or depression? All our biblical ancestors faced troubles. Elijah was dispirited. Job lost his family, his wealth, and his health. Jesus faced great temptation by Satan. Yet they all found strength and support in the Lord.

In this FREE eBook, you’ll find comfort and gain the confidence to solve the problems that previously baffled you. You’ll deepen your connection with God and gain the courage and strength to face your troubles and triumph.

Do not despair. There is a solution to your problems in the Scriptures. Download your FREE eBook today.

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