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When God Winks & When God Makes Lemonade

Enjoy heartwarming true stories of God’s loving presence in your life. You’ll be amazed how the “chance” meetings and remarkable “coincidences” in your life are really God taking care of you and showing you how much He loves you.

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When God Winks at You

How God Speaks Directly to You through the Power of Coincidence

By Squire Rushnell

Do extraordinary little events in your life really happen for a reason? Can a single coincidence” —sometimes as simple as meeting a stranger—change your day or your entire life?

The answer is YES! God is watching and he deeply cares for you.

Author, SQuire Rushnell, calls these coincidences that aren’t really coincidences “Godwinks”. You just know that whatever has just happened must have come from God. God winks at you to bring you hope and encouragement—and to let you know you’re not alone. Godwinks happen all the time. They help us feel a tangible connection to God and are blessed assurances that God is with you and loves you deeply.

When God Winks at You is filled with amazing true stories that clearly demonstrate God’s loving everyday presence with us. Each story reflects upon the many ways God cares for you, watches over you and touches your life in a very real and personal way. These stories will touch your heart and fill you with peace, faith and hope.

This Guideposts exclusive hardcover edition includes additional stories not available in stores.


When God Makes Lemonade

True Stories that Amaze and Encourage

By Don Jacobson

No matter how many “lemons” life throws at you, you’ll discover that most of life’s challenges are actually blessings in disguise, pleasing reminders to open your eyes to what God is doing in your life.

This collection of encouraging true stories affirm that when life tosses you lemons, sweet “lemonade” is made as God intervenes and mixes in His sacred ingredients of faith, hope, and love. You’ll be charmed and delighted by the unexpected sweetness God often brings in the midst of sour circumstances. Deepen your faith and revive your spirit with these uplifting stories.

This book is YOURS FREE to keep forever when you order When God Winks at You!

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