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Whistle Stop Café Mysteries Book 8: Accentuate the Positive

In a quaint corner of Whistle Stop Café, Janet Shaw’s vintage writing haven sparks tales of love, mystery, and camaraderie. Amid stolen pens and cherished memories, she discovers the true treasures of the heart.


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Accentuate the Positive, is book number eight in the Whistle Stop Café Mysteries fiction series.

When Janet Shaw buys a vintage portable writing desk filled with old stationery, a lifetime supply of pencils, and an old fountain pen, she decides to set up a place in the Whistle Stop Café for customers to write encouraging words and notes. Her best friend, Debbie Albright, agrees that it will add some cheer to the dreary days of January. Customers are immediately drawn to the idea, including a mysterious white-haired woman who seems to have her eye on Harry Franklin. Janet is sure he has an admirer, unlike Harry, who notices something familiar about the woman but can’t put his finger on what it is.

Meanwhile, Janet finds herself on the trail of a thief when the fountain pen, which turns out to be valuable, goes missing. But she’s also committed to volunteering at a writing workshop for the senior citizens of Dennison. Their moving stories and memories about the Greatest Generation remind Janet of what really matters.

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