A while back my friend Barbara needed a new wallet. Her husband, Dan, bought her one for her birthday. It was beautiful: soft, luxurious, with enough slots for cards.
There was only one flaw: It was a man’s wallet. Dan bought the wallet he would have wanted, forgetting that his preferences (dark brown leather, foldable for his pocket) weren’t necessarily the same as his wife’s.
We all make mistakes like this. We tell people we love them in the way we’d like to hear it, instead of the way that’s meaningful to them. We buy clothes as gifts that we think are attractive, rather than considering what would be perfect in their eyes.
I wonder: When we worship God, do we do it in the way we like, or the way he desires?
It’s worth a thought. And maybe a prayer, too. Lord, show me what you want me to give you that I’m not already giving.