September 3, 2010

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Latest September 3, 2010 Quotes

You can’t die cured, but you can die healed….understanding…that death is not a betrayal of life but a part of it.

Rabbi Arnold Gluck

The spiritual is whatever allows us to notice the miraculous nature of life.

Aurora Levins Morales, Author

I went from patient to advocate in a day. The feeling of being able to serve….to be able to offer up my story as much as it is uncomfortable, it’s a tremendous privilege.

Michael J. Fox, Actor

If I just waited for a cure, I wouldn’t really be alive. I’ve remodeled my life…so that I can achieve something with what I have.

Laura Hillenbrand, Author

I had the choice to either grow up and find God in the situation or become bitter. I chose to find God. And I experienced freedom like I never knew before.

Heather Mercer, 24, American aid worker who was imprisoned by the Taliban

I’ve been asked how I can constantly work with people who are dying. I’m not. I’m working with people who are living.

Lori Wiener, Ph.D., Coordinator of the Pediatric HIV Psychosocial Program, the National Cancer Institute

…Men and women who have recovered from this disease [depression]…bear witness to what is probably its only saving grace: it’s conquerable.

William Styron, Author

Getting my lifelong weight struggle under control has come from a process of treating myself as well as I treat others in every way.

Oprah Winfrey

It is God who enables us to return to life after tragedy—not by eradicating all suffering but by giving us the strength and the courage to heal what we can heal.

Naomi Levy, Rabbi and author

Built into human makeup is a longing for a ‘more’ that the world of everyday experience cannot requite.

Huston Smith, Author

The stronger the ties that bind us to God, the more likely we are to live, react, and behave in harmony with…greater joy, peace, and happiness.

Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President

We are the witnesses to the miracle. We are put here by creation, by God….We’re here to be the audience to the magnificent. It is our job to celebrate.

Ray Bradbury, Author
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