Today's daily devotion

Leading the Way

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”—DEUTERONOMY 31:8 NIV

Does caregiving sometimes feel like a walk in a dense fog?

Fog prevents us from seeing what lies ahead—just as our caregiving fears and worries can. Will we be able to handle the stress or make the right decisions? Will people offer to help us? Will the boss understand if we aren’t able to make it to work? There are so many unknowns—and when we can’t see beyond our present situation, it’s easy to feel lost.

Whatever our struggles, we have Someone who sees our path clearly. God’s Word says that He goes ahead of us. The first step on this path isn’t really ours because God Himself has already taken it. He can lead us through whatever lies ahead because He knows the way.

There is no better guide or companion for life’s journey than our all-knowing heavenly Father. 

Dear Lord, thank You for going ahead of me. Thank You also for being ever-present with me. With You having paved my way, I can walk in confidence, not fear.

Adapted from

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