Today's daily devotion

Let God Be Your Strength

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.—PSALM 73:26 NIV

Jane was her ailing father’s only caregiver. Over the preceding weeks, he’d become increasingly difficult—more and more belligerent with each passing day. Normally Jane was patient and caring, but this morning she lost her temper.

Jane knew that Dad wasn’t himself anymore, but it didn’t keep her frustration from boiling over into angry words. Now she wished she could take the words back—and erase the memory of the look on her father’s face as she scolded him.

The caregiving journey is not always a smooth. Some days are harder than others and bring out the worst in the best of us. Like the psalm writer, we find that our flesh and our heart fail.

Feeling guilt in such moments is only natural, but beating ourselves up is not a good use of our time. Instead, let’s cry out to God. His Word tells us that He’ll faithfully forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

It’s an incredible relief to remember that God’s strength never wavers—even when ours is slipping away. Lean on God and let His strength sustain you, knowing that He promises grace when you need it the very most.

Father, I thank You for being the great Physician, my strength when I am weak.

Adapted from

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