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Sigh Your Prayer

And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.—MARK 7:34 KJV

Weariness is a given for caregivers.

Even Jesus became weary in the work His Father wanted Him to do. In Mark 7:31–37, a deaf mute was brought to Jesus. The Lord put His fingers into the man’s ears then touched his tongue. When Jesus looked up to heaven to pray, He sighed. No audible words were spoken, nor were they needed. The man received the miracle he’d hoped to find.

Caring for others is tiring. Infirmities of mind and body can cripple our praying. But whether for ourselves or others, sanctified sighing wins the Spirit’s help. Romans 8:26 says that when we sigh, the Spirit sighs with us—“with groanings which cannot be uttered” (KJV). That word groanings means intense sighing. If the words don’t come but the sighs do, don’t worry. Wordy prayers without sighs are probably less effective.

When you’re feeling weary and heavyhearted, be like Jesus: Don’t just say your prayer, sigh it. He sighed out of compassion and concern for the needy. Dare we do any less? 

Dear Lord, help me to sigh in the Spirit with You over the needs of others. And may my life never grieve You to the point that You must sigh over me!

Adapted from

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