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Snuggled in His Feathers

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.—PSALM 91:4 KJV

She had been a faithful servant of God her whole adult life. For forty years, she was the only secretary the congregation knew. Pastors came and went, but she remained.

In her early sixties, she acquired a cough that would not go away. Eventually the diagnosis came—a rare cancer of unclear origins had gone to her lungs and beyond.

Chemotherapy offered her eight months; she turned it down. Instead, she focused on her Lord and on His Word. People who knew her said she was more at peace than ever before. Her e-mails to a young friend were quietly confident and often signed, “snug in His feathers.”

She knew the truth of this passage. Even though God was her Creator and the very sovereign of the universe, He loved her intimately and covered her as a hen covers her chicks. She could rest in that truth.

Sometimes we think we alone need to protect our families from the onslaughts of the world. But it’s not so. Our Father will cover us with His wings and protect us.

As we snuggle in His feathers, we need not fear.

Dear Father, let me not be a lost little chick. I want to stay beneath Your wings, where there is protection, peace, and contentment. Let me snuggle closer today.

Adapted from

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