The Guardian Angel’s Journal
A new novel from Guideposts Books asks: What if, after death, a woman became her own guardian angel?
Angels dwell in so many places. Of course there are angels in the Bible, working miracles and representing God’s grace to the world. Heaven is another dwelling place for angels, a place where they shine their blessings down upon us with love.
A new novel from Guideposts Books asks: What if, after death, a woman became her own guardian angel?
The night before her husband’s surgery, she dreamed a scent. The next day, he smelled it too, and she knew he was protected by angels.
Earth angels can come in many forms, and they often appear when the need is greatest.
A young woman’s encounter with her childhood angel encourages us to laugh and play.
Angels on Earth readers love stories about angelic dogs. Now we want you to share your own.
It was only a small gasoline spill, but something told her she needed to call the fire department.
After her beloved mother died, she was afraid. But then she heard the most beautiful, angelic sound …
A woman decides to buy a gift for a friend that turns out to be a comforting, angelic sign.
Mother and son see an angelic being made of light.
Learn about the highest order of angels—those who burn bright with divine love.
Heartsick over the havoc winter storms had wreaked on her garden, she found a small miracle that filled her with joy.
Discover the variety of ways God has been using his heavenly angels to minister to us throughout time.