God’s Love and God’s Plan
Robin was nearing death and wanted to talk about love before he went on to heaven.
When we contemplate the afterlife, we might imagine a paradise of angels and loved ones who have gone before us–a blissful place. Imagining the beauty of heaven can be of great comfort at a time of grief, offering hope that life after death is not just a wish but a promise fulfilled.
Robin was nearing death and wanted to talk about love before he went on to heaven.
Despite her dementia, the day before her death she finally recognized her daughter once again.
Close to death, she speaks easily about going home to God, anxious to accept his promise of eternal life.
A brief rainstorm assures a wife that her departed husband is there for her.
He was beginning to decline, but he had a peace about him that showed he had come to know God…
He awoke after being declared dead and realized that “there really is a God, and he loves you.”
Pop Pop may have been gone, but his presence was still felt—in the form of his favorite soft drink.
A Florida widow is given an aquatic assurance from above that her departed husband is still with her.
My friend looked close to death. She asked, “Am I supposed to go now?”
A daughter encounters a picture of her late father in a very unlikely setting–and gets some prognostication help too!
The perfect imprint of a wing appeared suddenly and lasted for a long time.
How does a glimpse of heaven transform those who are close to death?