Excellence Equals Success
Forget about comparing and change your focus to excellence, for positive results.
Forget about comparing and change your focus to excellence, for positive results.
Everyone has emotional baggage. What will you leave behind to change your life?
Actor, singer, father and husband at the top of his game. How does he do it?
Oprah and Bill Gates are powerful because they constantly striving. Are you?
Inspirational guru Jon Gordon presents 11 traits shared by ‘the best,’ to inspire and motivate you to be your best and to be successful.
Jon Gordon explains why maintaining your vision is crucial to attaining goals.
Instead of complaining, the staff of a hospital facing layoffs turned the negative situation into a positive solution.
Expert Jon Gordon argues that it’s important to stay positive in tough times.
Jon Gordon shares tips to help bring more positivity into your life.
A little bit of gratitude goes a long way toward helping people live more positive lives.
Expert Jon Gordon shares a few tips for keeping your employees and everyone around you positive.
Jon Gordon shows you how to change negative thinking into power thoughts.