Robin Carlo: When Listening Gets in the Way of Listening
How does listening interfere with listening? Let me explain how it happened to me in the midst of a very good sermon.
How does listening interfere with listening? Let me explain how it happened to me in the midst of a very good sermon.
I have made the effort to keep God’s love close whatever the circumstance. This past week it took the form a much beloved T-shirt.
Who knew reading recipe books would be fun?
I am learning to forgive myself when I don’t stick to promises and to celebrate the progress I’ve made.
People that God puts in my life, whether momentarily or for a lifetime, are his way of providing strength and hope.
I followed some advice from readers.
Like daily prayer and weekly worship, attentiveness is a spiritual discipline.
While I have been stressed and full of tears, I have a huge family of support to rely on and immediately asked for prayers from them.
Sometimes listening is very hard work; especially when there are multiple voices vying for my attention.
I need fun dinner ideas for two teenage girls!
This week in particular has been more about spiritual progress than healthy eating and exercising.
I’ve heard it said that if you truly intend to keep a resolution, you need to tell someone else what you’ve resolved to do.