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Be a Caring Soldier

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.—2 TIMOTHY 2:3 KJV

In days gone by, the church was much more militant in her thinking. Our songs were marches, battle hymns, and rallying cries. We were a royal army—Christian soldiers who marched for Christ beneath the banner of the cross. We were people in a war, people with a mission. We were out to conquer for Christ.

But in recent decades, that’s changed. We now see the church more as a family, a softer place of grace and acceptance. While there’s much good in that change, we might have lost some of our awe and respect for God, getting away from “repenting in dust and ashes” and begging for mercy from a holy king.

So what does that have to do with caregiving? Just this: Caring is hard and tiring work. Sometimes it’s a real battle.

In today’s society, people want their trials to pass without struggle, either physically or spiritually. People who are called to care cannot give in to such spongy thinking.

So let’s not complain. Let’s not whine or fret. Like the apostle Paul, let’s fight a good fight. And endure as a good soldier.

Father, I do struggle sometimes with this role You have given me. Some days, I don’t think I have anymore to give and I want to quit. But that’s not being a good soldier. Help me to answer my call faithfully, without whining. I thank You for giving me Your strength so I can endure.

Adapted from

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