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Today's daily devotion

Dine Joyfully

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.—1 CORINTHIANS 10:31 KJV

Many of us who are programmed to take care of others also seem programmed to say yes to every opportunity to help.

Does someone need kids watched? We can help.

Need a ride to the post office now? Sure, no problem.

Take care of the dog for a month? Why not?

Why, we caregivers can do it all!

But should we?

Scripture limits what we should do. We should do the works that God has prepared for us to do. And whatever those works are, we should do all of them to God’s glory.

This means that before we take on a project, person, or problem, we should pray. Is this latest opportunity really our job? If it doesn’t line up with scripture or our personal priorities, we should decline.

If you find in caring for others that you aren’t joyful—or even have a bad attitude—stop and reconsider. If the duties on your plate can’t be eaten in a way that glorifies God, get rid of them.

At the smorgasbord of life, choose wisely and dine joyfully.

Father, I want to help whenever I see a need. But when I do that, I often find that I get overwhelmed and crabby. I know I can’t do everything to Your glory, so help me to discern the tasks that are truly mine.

Adapted from

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