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Getting It All Done

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”—MATTHEW 6:33 NIV

Have you ever thought of Jesus as a caregiver?

His disciples did—they followed Him everywhere and depended on Him for, well, everything. Then there were the sick people, who constantly tugged at His robes and asked for healing. And there were those other people who came to Jesus for the healing of others…. You get the idea.

Jesus definitely qualified as a caregiver. Even with all those demands, Jesus used His time perfectly. Not a moment was wasted. His Father approved of every single thing that He did. What was His secret? He shared it in Matthew 6:33: “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (NIV).

It seems miraculous that Jesus could find time to heal the sick, raise the dead, teach His disciples, feed hungry crowds, even enjoy a meal with friends on occasion. But He was able to do all that because He had His priorities in order. Always. God came first—God’s kingdom, God’s righteousness. This was the single most important priority in Jesus’ ministry. Everything else followed.

What would your day look like if God came first? What would happen if you only did the things He wanted you to do? Give it a try—you’ll be amazed at the results. 

Jesus, I thank You for Your example as the perfect Caregiver. Teach me how to put You first and to trust You with all that I need to accomplish.

Adapted from

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