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Knee Mail

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.—JAMES 5:16 NIV

We’ve all had those inevitable days when we’re exhausted or discouraged and it seems too hard to carry on. We feel as dry as the desert sand, with nothing left to give. This is a time when we could use nourishment for our souls.

The prophet Zechariah said, “Ask the Lord for rain in the spring, for he makes the storm clouds. And he will send showers of rain” (Zechariah 10:1 NLT). Commentator Matthew Henry explained this scripture by saying, “Spiritual blessings had been promised…. We must in our prayers ask for mercies in their proper time. The Lord would make bright clouds and give showers of rain. This may be an exhortation to seek the influences of the Holy Spirit, in faith and by prayer, through which the blessings held forth in the promises are obtained.”

When these times occur, use “knee mail.” Carve out some time to pray, to praise, and to petition our heavenly Father for the strength to carry on. He is faithful to answer our pleas and send refreshment to our hearts—maybe in the form of a restful night’s sleep, a friend to encourage us, or a stranger’s greeting.

We never know just how the Lord will answer our prayers, but answer He will. God’s inbox is never too full. 

Lord, how we long for Your presence. Father, hear our prayers; extend Your hand of mercy to me.

Adapted from

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