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Today's daily devotion

Tapping My Foot

The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.—LAMENTATIONS 3:25 KJV

In our music video/text-messaging/microwave world, waiting is not something we do easily. In fact, waiting can be downright difficult. Every tick of the clock takes longer when we have to wait. Why?

Beth Moore has written, “We live in an imperfect world around imperfect people. Sometimes we inherit problems, and sometimes we create them for ourselves. No matter their inceptions, what’s required is patience, which requires waiting. Because we are fallible human beings, sometimes quick to anger and sometimes slow to forgive, our patience wears thin.” But, she continues, “Think how patient God has been with us.”

The Lord encourages us to wait upon Him—because He knows the plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). When we choose His way and His timing, we’ll be blessed.

Today, let’s focus on His promises. Quit tapping your toes in impatience, and sit back and relax. There is grace given to those who wait. Easy? No. Worth it? Most definitely. 

Father, I thank You for Your many blessings. I choose this day to wait patiently to see Your will unfold in my life.

Adapted from

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