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I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.—PSALM 130:5 NIV

A caregiver’s life includes plenty of waiting. We wait for a diagnosis, for the doctor to return a call, or for pain
medication to kick in. We wait for researchers to discover new remedies.

Waiting is difficult, especially when it seems that the rest of the world is fast-forwarding to instant gratification. During a wait it’s easy to become discouraged, to feel impatient, and to chafe at circumstances and passing time. We worry that the wait will never end or that the outcome may be tragic.

But don’t forget who you’re waiting for! When we trust God and place the wait’s outcome in His hands, He provides the hope that sustains us. God is working for our good during a wait. He will fulfill His purpose for us even when circumstances seem grim. He is able to do far more than we ask or imagine. He is intent on accomplishing His will here on Earth—both now and forever. The work He does matters in eternity.

Sometimes He uses a wait to develop strength of character in His children. We can practice patience and obedience. We can look forward to giving Him glory for the work that He accomplishes in our wait. He will meet us at the end of our wait—and also during our wait.

God, waiting is so difficult. Please give me hope to sustain me during this time.

Adapted from

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