The Gift of Friendship
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.—Proverbs 17:17 (NIV)
He then asked, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?” Peter gave the answer: “You are the Christ, the Messiah.”—Mark 8:29 (MSG)
The true foundation for your life is answering this question about Jesus and recognizing how your answer shapes your relationship with Him. Every day, your actions and words, your prayers reveal what you believe about His identity.
“Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Matthew 6:8 (NRSV)
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.—Proverbs 17:17 (NIV)
But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the Lord.—Jonah 1:3 (ESV)
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.—Isaiah 1:17 (NIV)