I had the choice to either grow up and find God in the situation or become bitter. I chose to find God. And I experienced freedom like I never knew before.
Your spiritual life is relevant to everything you do. Spiritual quotes can help you share your spiritual outlook with those in your life and community. Quotes about spirituality can also bolster your commitment to infusing every day with your spiritual values. Carry a spiritual quote with you to stay connected to your beliefs and practices.
Latest Spiritual Quotes
It is God who enables us to return to life after tragedy—not by eradicating all suffering but by giving us the strength and the courage to heal what we can heal.
Built into human makeup is a longing for a ‘more’ that the world of everyday experience cannot requite.
The stronger the ties that bind us to God, the more likely we are to live, react, and behave in harmony with…greater joy, peace, and happiness.
We are the witnesses to the miracle. We are put here by creation, by God….We’re here to be the audience to the magnificent. It is our job to celebrate.
The significance and joy in my science comes in the occasional moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, ‘So that’s how God did it!’
Think back over your day and consider when God spoke. How did you sense it, or why did you fail to sense it at the time? It is often between the lines and in the empty places where we hear God.
God keeps an infinite equilibrium in creation; in every conflict, there’s an opportunity to serve God and restore that equilibrium. Everything points you in that direction.
You may find God in the laughter of your children; the grief of a friend; the opening of forsythias after a long winter; the noisy joyfulness of birds and wind; or the quiet testimony of ants and cobwebs. God’s altar is everywhere and in everything.
There are days when we can bring before God…laughter of joy and gratitude. There will be other days when we can only muster a bitter, angry complaint. Be confident that God will accept whatever we lift up before him, and he will make it serve his purpose and our good.
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When you take your troubles to God, you may have them but they don’t have you.