Praying for a Little More Time
A man with an aging, ailing dog learns that his pooch has a special purpose in his life.
A man with an aging, ailing dog learns that his pooch has a special purpose in his life.
A Sunday school lesson on Judas’ betrayal teaches a lesson on forgiveness.
God understands the problem of temptation and has given you a way out.
I went through my mental list of people who needed prayer. As I concentrated on it, I stopped counting the miles.
Anxiety isn’t going to win you any battles. It might even get in the way. This devotion can help.
I’ve happily adopted ways to follow Paul’s admonition to “pray without ceasing.”
Battling health problems in a new apartment in a new city, she worried she wouldn’t find a church to attend on Easter.
Nothing made sense that day. All I could do was comfort my children—and pray.
Are you growing impatient waiting on God to answer your prayers?
What if, every so often, we gave ourselves an extra hour to do something positive to renew ourselves?