Therapy Brings Healing and an Answered Prayer
A family is shaken by a daughter’s mental health issues and a mother’s feelings of shame and confusion.
Teenagers are at a crossroads in life, the vulnerable space between childhood and adulthood. Raising teenagers to be kind, wise, and motivated people is a daunting task, but one that loving parents take on with gusto. Sharing stories about teenagers is a great way to learn from others’ experiences, and share your own insights on this important process.
A family is shaken by a daughter’s mental health issues and a mother’s feelings of shame and confusion.
Lifestyle expert Katie Brown reminds us that every rite of passage is a chance for both parents and children to grow with God.
What he thought would be a coming-of-age experience for his kids proved to be a spiritual lesson for him.
A woman who too often turned to sarcastic judgement of other people shares how her daughter convinced her to give up “snark” for Lent. Look for Laura’s story in the March 2017 edition of Guideposts.
Author Christine Naman, whose teenage daughter struggled with addiction, discusses actions parents can take to decrease the likelihood that their children will get involved with alcohol and drugs and to help them get sober if they do.
It’s hard enough to have a daughter with a drug problem. It’s even harder to admit it.
Her daughter was devastated after a knee injury ended her college athletic scholarship plans. But then God opened another door.
She encouraged her daughters to become track stars, but was she imposing her own dreams on them?
Her daughter, Kennedi, is a talented track athlete, but Tonya May Avent came to realize her focus on Kennedi’s athletic success was misplaced.
How faith is about working with God, not waiting to be handed something.
When a teen leaves for a first year in college, prayer finds a new focus.
Be excellent, stand tall and have faith—Shawnelle Eliasen’s five boys share the best piece of advice they each received from their mom.