
Everyone loves comfort animals. Cats are perhaps one of the most comforting pets around. People who have cats as companions know the pleasure of a warm, purring friend curled up on a lap. The joy of having cats is contagious. Just ask anyone for their favorite cat stories, and watch their faces brighten with love.

A cat interrupts a videotaping.

Cameo for a Cat

The perfect antidote to Monday morning blues: a cat video that’s sure to get you laughing.

A cat named Murphy with orange angel wings

Angel Incognito

“Don’t be so hard on Murphy,” my mom told me. “He’s a little angel.” “Angel,” I scoffed. “How?”

Lazarus the Miracle Kitty

Lazarus the Miracle Kitty

Born with a cleft palate and abandoned, Lazarus found the perfect home where he inspires people from all over the world.

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