Why Acceptance Is a Big Part of Recovery
In sobriety, being “cured” doesn’t play a role. But peace and serenity do.
Recovery from addiction is a major undertaking and a gift you give yourself, your family, and your community. While recovery can be a long and arduous process, it is so gratifying when you can confidently say your addiction is well-managed and no longer in control of your life. Share addiction stories to inspire others to take their first steps toward recovery.
In sobriety, being “cured” doesn’t play a role. But peace and serenity do.
Whether you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, this collection of 60 devotionals offers a message of hope and inspiration.
She healed from the sadness of her father’s alcoholism by befriending a clergyman years later.
After years of drug abuse, she finally got sober. But she had no idea what God had in store for her.
After her son passed, these mysterious experiences showed that their love could never be broken.
This addiction recovery community sends comforting, blessed shawls to those in need.
A Vietnam vet struggling with addiction was inspired by a simple gift of sewing kits.
The former drug addict spent time in prison; then a mysterious letter propelled him to change his life.
Tormented by memories of the Vietnam War, he turned to alcohol. Music was his path to sobriety and salvation.
A personality taste gave him new insights on both himself and his wife, but would it save their faltering marriage?
He found a medallion honoring 25 years of sobriety. But who did the chip belong to?
The recovery counselor offers advice for those who are struggling with addiction and loved ones and friends who wish to offer them support and encouragement.