5 Stress-Reducing Benefits of In-Home Care
Certified Care Consultant Theresa Wilbanks shares lessons for coping learned through her personal care journey with her dad.
Certified Care Consultant Theresa Wilbanks shares lessons for coping learned through her personal care journey with her dad.
Two experts in this helping field discuss what you can do as a caregiver and how independent advocates can step in when you’re overwhelmed.
Hymns, carols and standard songs of the season can be a soothing pathway to the past, even for those with memory loss.
Look at old photos together, create a memory box or make a favorite family recipe; these are just few ways to jog their memory and comfort them at the same time.
Easy-to-handle foods and utensils can make mealtime easier.
A variety of beverages, and even fruit, can replenish fluids.
It’s okay to indulge a preference for one particular food if the overall diet is balanced.
Gentle coaching and foods that are more easily consumed can improve results.
If your loved one is at risk of choking, careful food selection is necessary.
From insurance to more creative financing, help is available.
Public and private sources offer assistance.
Help is available for physician-prescribed care.