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Advent is a time of prayerful anticipation, as we mark the days before Christmas with excitement and prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

The healing power of song. Rick Hamlin will be singing a song a day during Advent.

The Healing Power of Song

Guideposts blogger Rick Hamlin has always loved to sing. In fact, he planned to sing a song a day during Advent. But after a serious lung infection, could he? Here’s how he received an early Christmas gift from God.

Manuscript of Gregorian chant notation.

Pray the ‘O Antiphons’

No one knows for sure how old they are, but the “O Antiphons” date back to at least the 8th century and may have been used for hundreds of years before that. The “O Antiphons” are a series of chants that are used in Vespers over the last seven days of Advent in many Roman

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