Mysterious Ways: The Dog of Our Dreams
Our two young boys had to give up their beloved dog. Would we ever find the perfect replacement?
Our two young boys had to give up their beloved dog. Would we ever find the perfect replacement?
I floated for a while, wondering if this meant anything, anything at all. Was it randomness my brain was trying to organize into some pattern that made sense to me?
My dog and I are struggling with something I never used to give a second thought to: the stairs in my apartment building. But climbing the three long steep flights to my apartment this morning, I learned a lesson in positive thinking.
God gave us dogs, I am sure, as nearly his greatest gift. Apart from Jesus, dogs are our greatest heavenly legacy.
Angels of comfort come in many forms—including on four legs.
There is something about the death of an animal whom you’ve loved that always stays with you.
What would you really like to do on this beautiful end-of-summer day?
An earth angel helps a grieving child understand that her departed dog is still with her.
“May I say a prayer for her?” the Franciscan asked, crouching down to greet Millie.
Dogs don’t cope well with change, but my dog is trying to look at the disruptions in our routine with a more positive attitude.
I’ve always made sure our various dogs have remembered to give Julee cards on all the necessary occasions. Yes, I know. It’s a silly charade.
God’s mercy put a canine hero in the right place at the right time.