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Pray When You Hear a Siren

“There’s a fire!” Not more than twenty feet away, flames were spewing out the window of the apartment building next door, shattering glass with heat.

Prayers for Dad

I wasn’t sure how to help him. Pray for a miracle? Pray for complete healing? Pray that he’s comfortable and at peace?

Secretariat’s Inspiring Message

There are lots of lessons in the film that revolve around faith and love. But the one that has stayed with me was the father’s prophetic advice to let Secretariat “run his own race.”

A Mysterious Ways Giveaway Winner’s True Story

This week’s giveaway winner tells her own story about losing something special, and how mysterious ways brought it back to her. This week, one lucky random commenter will receive a 2011 One-minute Devotions Page-A-Day Calendar!

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