This Sight-Impaired Hero Entered a Fiery Apartment to Rescue His Neighbor
Out of work and visually impaired at age 54, Jim was starting to question his own worth. But his courage and faith guided him down a hero’s path.
Out of work and visually impaired at age 54, Jim was starting to question his own worth. But his courage and faith guided him down a hero’s path.
How a Guideposts editor responds to prayer requests.
How God sends the right people into our lives.
Your prayers and love can help someone who has lost a loved one.
From de-cluttering tips to parenting advice, discover the most popular stories about friends and family
A grandmother decides how she wants to spend her remaining birthdays
When you can’t get out of your head, get with loving friends that will lead you back to God.
Actress Roma Downey reveals how she came to understand that she and Della Reese were brought together just when they needed each other most.
Her husband’s first deployment left her feeling lonely. Focusing on others rather than herself made all the difference.