7 Ways to Change Your Life Spiritually
When encountering transforming love, big things can happen.
When encountering transforming love, big things can happen.
Prayer is a wonderful tool to help you become a calm and caring new parent as you strengthen the bond with God and your new baby.
How faith and science can both be true—and how one teenager knew his life here on earth was significant.
The girl’s childlike wonder helped them all deal with her sister’s cancer journey.
In the garage he found mementos that reminded him of moments—big and small—from their long and happy relationship.
She’d been crocheting afghans for years, but she hadn’t realized that her hobby served a higher purpose.
Although you may not know what the upcoming year holds, God will stand by your side through it all.
Learn to embrace each moment while you wait on God.
He trusted in God to transform his negative thoughts and feelings.
She almost broke a promise, but a few heaven-sent birds flew in to keep her on track.
A friendly Pomeranian helped her joyfully start a healthy new habit—even on a cold January morning
Facing new challenges or new circumstances can be daunting but if you turn to Jesus for guidance, your trepidation will ease.