An Angelic Bright Light Protected Him from Danger
Just as the rattlesnake lashed out at him, a divine light appeared.
Your guardian angel is by your side all the time, whether you recognize its presence or not. Trust in your guardian angel’s ability to help you every day.
Just as the rattlesnake lashed out at him, a divine light appeared.
Her son was away at college. Then a voice called out to her in the middle of the night.
The touching, heaven-sent image reassured him that angels were always nearby.
On the first Christmas Eve as newlyweds, a winged messenger from above divinely intervened and protected him.
The all-terrain evhicle they were riding on crashed. Then an otherworldly force rescued them.
Seeing the heavenly being during his car accident restored her son’s faith.
The author found peace when the otherworldly figure showed up in her dream.
In one year, the campaign has gathered about $100,000 in donations.
She had taken a vow of silence but then had a divine vision she would never forget.
She was struggling through the snow to get home. Then she heard a mysterious voice commanding her to keep going.
An anxious mom is reassured as her daughter invites her to take a pause from worry.
In this story from May 2002, the last person rescued from the World Trade Center shares her miraculous tale of survival.