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Trudy Harris

In a Waiting Place for Heaven

Slowly but surely his energy and appetite were ebbing away due to his illness. He was declining, just a little bit more each time I saw him, and he seemed contented and unafraid.

Together in Heaven for Eternity

Many people tell me about the experiences God allows them to have following the loss of a loved one. In this story, a grieving woman and her brother are comforted by a long-forgotten card that convinces them their parents are together in heaven for eternity.

Earthly Angels Journeyed With Her

Barbara had a terminal illness and she knew it. But God used her to help us understand His love in a new way and taught us about joy, laughter and faith in the midst of great adversity.

Final Messages

In their final moments before death, people often speak a few last words. These final messages are often simple yet profound. I’d like to share a few that have moved me.

A Heavenly Visit

Trudy Harris shares the story of a beloved brother close to death who was too ill to talk or sit up on his own—yet there he sat, arms upraised and glowing with joy, and speaking in a clear, strong voice.

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