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A silhouette of a man praying outdoors against a colorful sunset.

The Big Question: If God Knows All, Why Pray?

If God knows each and every one of us, sometimes better than we know ourselves, what is the purpose of prayer? As God says in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”  He knows our every thought and desire. He knows what we want and what we need—even if we don’t yet know it ourselves.  So, if God knows all, why pray? Spiritually sage people, from pastors to philosophers, offer their own answers to this question. 


The Big Question: Why Are We Here?

It’s something each of us has asked ourselves at some point in our lives, whether it’s a passing thought while riding the bus or during the type of deep contemplation that keeps you up late into the night. What is my purpose? Here are a few thoughts from authors, experts, and spiritual leaders on humanity’s ultimate question.

Night sky: Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

What Makes Our Guideposts Staffers Feel Awe?

Awe is one of humankind’s most powerful states of being. Studies show it has the ability to strengthen your faith, improve your health—even change your perceptions of time. Here are all the ways, big and small, that the Guideposts staff experiences awe.

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